Thursday, December 17, 2009

Forsyth Democratic Women Meet and Elect New Officers

From their new president, Mary Chatfield:
"Tina, attached are some pictures from our December meeting on Saturday. We had a holiday brunch and all the members brought pajamas for needy children in Forsyth County. Our new officers were installed and they are:

Mary Chatfield, President
Stephene Terry, 1st VP
Marilyn Beverly, 2nd VP
Pearl Blackburn, Secretary
Ruth Bullard, Treasurer

I've included a picture of us but only have it titled with our first names. There is also a picture of Ricia Maxie, Chairwoman of the Forsyth County Democratic Party, administering the oath of office to us."

NOTEfrom Tina: It is hard to post names right under pictures on a blog, so I am posting all the pictures & wishing congratulations to all the new officers. You go, Forsyth!!

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