Wednesday, August 5, 2009

News from Cobb Democratic Women

Dear Friends of Cobb Democratic Women,

We will have the honor and the pleasure of having both Senator Doug
Stoner and Commissioner Woody Thompson speak to us on Thursday, August 13
at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. In this challenging year, you will want to
know the inside scoop on what is happening in our GA State Legislature
and our Cobb County Commission. Find out what key issues and challenges
will be facing us in the coming year. And bring your questions and
concerns, because our representatives need to hear them!

We will meet in the dining room of the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 6:30 for
dinner and speakers. Plan on attending!

Your RSVP is important. Please respond to me by e-mail or by phone: 770
650-1106 or 770 639-5658 not later than August 10th.

We look forward to seeing you August 13th!

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